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Why You Should Visit a Chiropractor Immediately After an Auto Accident

Written By West Broward Wellness Center on January 16, 2024

a man neck pain from an auto injury

Getting into an auto accident is stressful, scary, and overwhelming. After the accident, you still have adrenaline running through your body and you might not even be aware of the injuries you have sustained. Visiting an auto injury chiropractor will ensure any hidden injuries are uncovered and you get the treatment you need to avoid complications. At West Broward Wellness Center, our chiropractors have extensive experience in auto injury treatment in Tamarac, FL. We can also work closely with your personal injury attorney on your auto accident claim. 

Same-Day Diagnosis and Treatment

Instead of waiting for hours in a hospital emergency waiting room, our chiropractors have a ‘no wait’ policy and all of our patients are seen immediately. We will complete a comprehensive physical examination and diagnostic testing like an x-ray, MRI, or CT scan to uncover hidden auto injuries. We will provide a diagnosis and your first treatment on the same day as your visit so that you can feel immediate relief from pain and other symptoms. 

Screening for Common Auto Injuries

At your first visit, we will also screen you for common auto injuries. We will evaluate your symptoms, discuss the details of your accident, perform a physical examination, and run diagnostic testing and screenings to determine if you have whiplash, a head injury, concussion, a spine injury, or neurological symptoms. The sooner you get a diagnosis and treatment, the less likely you are to experience complications.

Preventing Further Injury or Complications

Getting swift chiropractic care can help you avoid further injury and complications. Without treatment, some auto injuries will just get worse and can end up affecting your overall health and wellness. Our team will design a personalized chiropractic treatment plan that combines multiple therapies that address existing pain and symptoms and reduce your risk of future symptoms. We can help you avoid chronic pain, loss of mobility or range of motion, neurological complications, and other physical and mental side effects associated with auto injuries. 

Assistance With Personal Injury Claims

If you plan on filing a personal injury claim related to your auto accident, we can provide you with the medical documentation you need. We will work closely with your personal injury attorney to preserve evidence, provide medical records and billing information, go over your treatment plan and prognosis, and act as an expert witness in your case. 

Get Treatment for Auto Injuries in Tamarac, FL

Don’t wait another day to seek treatment for your auto injuries. At West Broward Wellness Center, our chiropractors can provide same-day evaluation and treatment and assistance with filing a personal injury claim. Request an appointment now. 

Posted In: Auto Injury